Many people think that hair loss only affects men. Any girl or woman can be affected by hair loss. In fact, more than 50% of women will experience noticeable hair loss in their life. If you are experiencing significant hair loss then you may be experiencing what's called female-pattern hair loss (FPHL), which affects about one-third of women population.
Which women are more likely to experience significant hair loss?
- Age 40 and older.
- Who have just had babies.
- Who take medications with side effects.
- Who are going through menopause.
Hair loss isn't always genetic or age related though. What you use to care for your hair and how you style your hair can have a big impact, especially if you're already susceptible to hair loss.
Before we continue, you should know:
- Over usage of shampoo and hair coloring does not cause hair loss.
- Dandruff cannot lead to permanent hair loss.
- Stress does not lead to permanent hair loss.
- Shaving head does not make hair grow back thicker, it just changes shape that makes hair appear thicker.
- Hats do not cause hair loss.
- Only smart people lose hair is not true.
What causes hair loss then?
- The way you style your hair.
- Yes! Pulling your hair in a manner that puts stress on the roots such as tight ponytails and braids are bad.
- Vitamin deficiency:
- You are not eating enough iron-rich foods, such as red meat, fish and beans.
- Low vitamin D leads to hair thinning or stop growth.
- Low Zinc thins out hair and prone to breaking.
- Low Selenium can disrupt thyroid function that causes hair loss.
- Dieting
- Quick weight loss.
- Lack of vitamin rich food.
- Medication side effects
- Blood pressure medicines.
- Gout medicines.
- High doses of Vitamin A.
- Extreme emotional stress.
- An Abnormal thyroid
- The thyroid gland produces hormones that affects all aspect of metabolism (keeping body healthy).
- Hormone changes caused by pregnancy, menopause or birth control pills.
If you have excessive hair loss, you should see a doctor and get bloodwork done right away. You could have an underlying health issue not being addressed. If you do not have any major issues described above and are following a healthy lifestyle yet still losing hair, you should consider some products that will help keep your scalp and hair healthy. You don’t need all of them, but do get one shampoo and one oil to your liking.